avialytics is a Germany-based data warehouse and business intelligence hive that is capable of astonishing analytical solutions across the entire aviation industry.
avialytics harnesses information to solve inefficient and dangerous flight habits. Using real-time data (and leaning on decades of aviation experience) they have developed numerous applications to improve flight safety, decrease food waste, predict delays, and better manage crew rotation.
Their Crew Catering app interfaces with third-party catering companies on behalf of individual crew members. It brings the crew-catering process into the 21st century while dramatically reducing waste, cost, and the time required for coordination. Particularly useful for those 11th-hour pilot re-assignments.
Their Aviation Information Repository (A.I.R) is the first and largest of avialytics’ data-silos wherein flight information, airline schedules, plane locations, and cascading timelines are filtered and analyzed. From this pool of living stats, avialytics can create solutions or expediencies for any problem. Most of their products are tailored to specific airlines’ needs.
All are White-Label.
Their target audience is not the average citizen. Rather, avialytics seeks awareness from career aviation experts who understand the tangles of tech-talk and would mistrust anything short of an exhaustive explanation.
Knowing that, c308 found ways to simplify the brochure design and convention-booth environment in ways that (quickly) signal what avialytics is offering. The different types of solutions (crew rotation, maintenance, safety, et al.) are organized by color, while process-unique infographics present an overhead view of what is later described in detail.